What awaits you on the Beyond.lt server
Good online on the Beyond.lt server will be due to abundant advertising, as many people come because of the High-Five chronicles concept, few projects can boast of high-quality servers that keep good online with more than 3,000 players. Also, the concept of the server is a classic vision of everything, that is, there is no departure from what developers have invested in these chronicles 10 years ago.
How to Farm Adena Beyond
If you want to be in the top, then you need to farm Beyond Adena, otherwise you will be a no-name among the others .. In order to earn Beyond Adena, you have several standard options:
- Find yourself a CP and craft spoil with them and farming.
- Buy adena at Beyond and be happy, this method is the most convenient and high.
- Create a few twinks, spoilers, crafters, buffers and farm farm farm until the server closes.
- Kill hundreds and thousands of mobs
- Trading in the Giran market in an attempt to farm Beyond Adena.
The easiest way is to buy Beyond.lt adena from BenderMoney and spend the time saved on your loved ones.
Reasons to play Beyond:
In our opinion, the most basic reason is online and stability. Beyond.lt can support more than 6,000 real players online, and not just like Europvp at 18k online :). Also, the quality of the server, these are not empty words, you have more than once faced with the fact that the character is stuck in a geodata curve or constant lags on the server, mobs will lags respite and much more bugs. There is no such thing on beyond.lt, the assembly is well honed and of high quality. Recommended for the game.
About the game:

Benefits of buying Adena Beyond from Bendermoney
- Our prices are always lower than buying from the admin, usually 70-90%
- We will transfer to Adena 7 minutes after placing the order
- We obtain all adena on Beyond.lt with handles and completely legally.
In order to quickly order Adena at Beyond.lt you need to follow 3 simple steps.
- Write to the operator in a chat or messenger, check the availability of adena on Beyond.
- Fill out the form and fill in the number of Adena, pay on the payment system website.
- Come into the game, we will give Adena through auction or send by mail.