The versatility of the game worlds
The Lineage game has been around for quite some time, and there are more than one million of those who have studied it up and down. Of course, fans of the Line are in no hurry to part with their favorite online game, but due to the fact that many moments are already boring, they are looking for something unusual and exciting on other servers. That is why the admins of various frechards are constantly trying to modify their servers and bring novelty to the gameplay.
At the moment, you can meet game universes based on absolutely all chronicles; rates from x1 to x1000000 are available on servers. But if you arrange them according to some principle, then it is best to consider free servers in the directions: Low rate, Craft-PvP, PvP, Mega-PvP, GvE. They are distinguished by the speed of obtaining equipment, methods of resource extraction, the degree of saturation of game events, as well as how long the game remains relevant
Free Server Concepts
LowRate - server:
These are game worlds with rates from x1 to x15, designed for a long and difficult game. Often used high-quality gaming platforms, reminiscent of the official servers of the times of various chronicles. Low rate - this is another opportunity to play your favorite chronicles, but with a little accelerated pumping and a little donat.
This concept attracts hardcore and atmospheric enthusiasts. Although low rate suggests a long development, but it's worth it - a well-pumped character will bring you a lot of pleasure. High-quality equipment and a high level will make you headlong above your opponents, and each victory will be unrealistically “sweet”, because the time spent and the efforts made by the force have finally paid off!
This is an idea that has gained wide popularity and great popularity, because thanks to it the game has become incredibly dynamic. Keeping all the classic aspects, Craft-PvP servers have rates from x20-x100, which makes it possible to acquire good equipment in a relatively short time and participate in mass battles on a par with others.
These are servers with very high rates, where within an hour you can easily get the maximum level and average equipment. Playing on such a server will not take up much time and effort. These are gaming universes where you can just relax and have fun, taking part in the Olympics or visiting the main places of battle.
This is a special concept, involving huge rates and radically changed gameplay. Unrealistic characteristics of the characters, new equipment and currency are just a few of the innovations that this server can boast of. If Classic Lineage is no longer of interest to you, perhaps it is such a non-trivial approach to the old MMO that will surprise you.
This mod has no rates and is a game whose main goal is a war of several races among themselves. Forget everything that you knew about the Line before this, before you is a new game, albeit with the old interface. This mod has become especially popular among connoisseurs of the PvP component. Here you will have where to turn around and show your warrior qualities: in order to develop your character, you need to win thousands, or even tens of thousands of battles! To get a dose of adrenaline, players choose this concept.
Financial issue
Donat plays an important role on free shard servers. Most gaming complexes try to strike a balance between a simple player and those who donate. By investing real money, the player receives a special currency - let's call it “Donate coin” (the names may differ, be it coin of luck, Tod, mega coin, etc.). For it you can purchase various types of services and goods in your account on the website or in a specific section of the game store. Donate coin is always in demand in the market, and you can always exchange any game currency for it. Often, the most valuable items are sold for donate coin.
If you decide to play in pleasure, be proud of your pumped character, but do not waste a lot of time independently extracting resources, then most likely you are thinking about investing real money in the game. We suggest you save. In our Bendermoney store you can buy game currency much cheaper than with server admins. We care about our customers and do our best to make their game comfortable and most interesting.
About the game:

Back in 2003, the legendary Korean MMORPG Lineage 2 was released. It gave impetus to the opening of not only official localized servers, but also a huge number of so-called free shards.
The main difference between private servers was initially the lack of a paid subscription. But then an increasing number of players began to give preference to freechards because of their diversity, novelty, vibrant advertising campaigns and original game ideas. Developers change rates, use all available chronicles, sometimes completely rework the gameplay, introduce interesting chips.
You can meet extremely reliable, high-quality, unique private servers that give players a bunch of positive emotions for decades. There are medium-sized frechards, which are much better than 90% of the cloned one-day ones, but they cannot offer anything enchanting. And there are these very one-day ones that open for about a week, shine brightly, and then disappear into oblivion.