Unfortunately, even robots sleep at night!
We work from 09:00 to 23:00 (gmt + 3). Order will be issued at this time. Night Promocode +5% bonus to order - plus5night

We are looking for partners

  • Everything is as simple: You get a partner link and an affiliate account.
  • Place the link on any desired place (forums, personal sites, social networks).
  • Receive payments from the purchases of customers, regardless of the first purchase or the twentieth, with each goes a percentage.
  • To get a link contact us in onile chat.
  • Do you have a blog, forum, clan site or any other resource visited by gamers?

  • We are interested in letting as many people as possible know about us.
  • By promoting us, you can always be sure that your recommendation will be positive.
  • We are ready to buy from you: a banner ad, an article recommending our shop, or any other option that will increase the image of our brand.
  • We are ready to pay both in advance and through an affiliate programme.
  • Do you have your own YouTube channel where gamers gather?

  • We are ready to consider the possibility of buying the insertion of an advertising video about our shop on your channel.
  • We are also willing to buy a link under your video.
  • Separately, we would like to point out the purchase of links under old videos (yes, we would buy a link even if the video was uploaded to the channel 3 years ago).
  • You can make money on streams not only by asking for donations

  • Place one of our banners and get paid for it.
  • We will also consider any advertising options on your stream.
  • Want to promote what you're developing for online games? Contact us!

    We are ready to place the sale of your software with us in the following cases:

  • Software is out of beta testing stage and performs its functionality correctly.
  • TThe software is updated on a regular basis, unless otherwise specified in advance.
  • In the case of scripts, you need to describe the functionality and features in a correct and detailed way.