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GVE (Interlude-online)

Gameplay Features

The entire farm system on the Interlude-online server is also a PvP component - not a farm for the sake of the farm, but a farm for the battles. Such a concept, of course, could not leave the players indifferent and won a lot of fans.

The main places of battle with enemies are Outposts, Villages, Forts. For their capture, the player who participated in the capture is entitled to a reward. An interesting feature is that the longer the village or fort remains unoccupied, the higher the reward for taking them.

For beginners, there are outposts at which the maximum level of the player and his equipment are limited, which makes it possible for inexperienced players to take their first steps in the game with maximum comfort.

On the server there is protection against various methods of abusing Adena, and you will not be able to deceive administrators and farm on your twink from another fraction.

Server chips

Interlude-online has introduced a completely new type of equipment called brands and occupying the slot “underwear” in your inventory. There are various brands that can enhance various combat characteristics and give your character even more variability in choosing a pvp style. Stamps are divided by type M1 / ​​M2 / M3 / M4 - the higher the level of the brand, the higher the percentage of addition to the characteristic it gives and the more difficult it is to get. Stamps 1 and 2 of the level are available for each ordinary player on the server. Level 3 stamps are available for lucky ones who managed to get Raid Stone in raid boss battles. And brands of level 4 appear no more than 1 time per week and are available only to the winner of the event "Battle for the epic boss" and there are a decent amount of adena on the market. If you suddenly want to become the owner of such a brand, you can buy Interlude-online adena in our game currency store and either buy a brand in the market or dress your character and defeat the boss raid.

An important and valuable indicator is fame points. They are given for winning events, various sieges and for services to the faction. Points are another currency on the server, you can get various consumables for them. But for this you must be a member of the Order of the faction, which you can get into for 50 points of fame. To become a full member of the Order will help increase the level of influence through the donation of points. The higher the level of influence, the wider the assortment in the store of the Order and the lower the price.

Joining the Order of the faction opens up not only the possibility of using an additional store, but also gives access to the quest for the status of a nobleman. Having received the status of a nobleman, you open before you the opportunity to participate in the great Olympics. By the way, it was completely redesigned: now you don’t lose points for losing, you get 1 point for winning, and the number of battles per week is limited to 25 in class and non-class battles. The time was also changed and adjusted to in-game events and the peak of online.

Friendly advice

If suddenly you are not lucky in the battles, you are too lazy to farm for a long time, do not have enough time or just want to go in and be dressed in cool things right away, you can buy Adena in the Bendermoney game store by placing an order with our operator. After that, you can open up new opportunities for your character, defeat the members of the enemy faction and glorify your own name.

Have a nice point and colorful pvp to you!

About the game:

Developer NCsoft
Release date: 0000-00-00

Interlude-online is a project that made a splash in the segment of Russian-language servers and made it possible to play a completely new Lineage 2, radically changing the gameplay and direction of the game due to the GVE mod.

The main feature of the GVE mod is the division into two fractions: Dark and Light. Which one you will belong to, you can choose immediately after creating your character. Dark and Light are two military camps that have their own cities (Gludio and Dion) and fight for influence on Interlude-Online. In the city of each faction, you can find everything you need for your character. Any member of your faction is your ally and it is impossible to attack him.

Each player has their own price on the server, it is indicated above the nickname and depends on the level of its equipment and leveling. When killing players from another faction, you gain experience and adena. You can find your enemy in special locations that are constantly changing, which makes the game even more exciting. When you go to the server, it seems that there is a war. Chat constantly informs about the state of affairs on the server, who is dominating at the moment, where you need help and where there is the opportunity to earn some game currency and resources.
