Teso addons to improve the game, the best Teso addons.
Best TESO Addons 2020
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Before starting, a few clarifications:
- Firstly, beginners do not need this assembly, because it will only load the interface with them.
- Secondly, it is imperative to install the MINION program, because without it it is impossible to update the add-on pack that will be discussed in this article. In it you can search for necessary add-ons and update outdated ones.
- You can learn more about installing add-ons from this article How to install TESO add-ons
You also need to take into account the fact that after installing the addons you need to go to the "modifications" section and enable "obsolete modifications". This feature includes all modifications, showing that they are out of date, but in fact, they work. If they are highlighted in red and "dependencies" are written, it means that you need to download something. As a rule, it is written here what is missing. Type in the name of the missing component through MINION, and it will download it.

Addon selector
Fast enable / disable addon pack. Allows you to save the current enabled state of all your addons in a package that can be given a name.
You can also click anywhere on the line (in the add-on name or in the add-on author area) to toggle the enabled state of the add-on.
For example, you go to both PVE and PVP. This content requires different addons. Highlight what you need, write the name of the assembly, for example, "PVE" and click save. Now you can load these addons with one click of a button. For example, Arkadius ’Trade Tools, Auto Recharge and so on are not needed for PVP - we turn it off and save it to another“ PVP ”package.

Advanced filters
Adds additional filters to inventory. For example, armor, heavy, medium, light. The same goes for weapons: one-handed, two-handed. Pre-packaged food and drinks.

Arkadius' Trade Tools
A special tool that helps all traders. Trading players will have a special window with sales and purchases. And also statistics: where, how much they sold. Convenient for tracking your sales.
Shows the level of profitability of the deal. To do this, go to the merchant, click search. If the price is highlighted in red, it means they are selling at a higher price than usual. Purple - they sell cheaper.
Green means a normal trade.

Auto recharge
The addon reloads the weapon. The player outside has an enchantment that has a charge level. Additionally, it is charged with a soul stone, which can be done manually, or Auto Recharge.

Bandits Gear Manager
A special addon that remembers the layouts of skills and sets and allows you to get dressed / undressed with one click. That is, the player has put on something and clicks "insert current". Bandits Gear Manager adds an equipped set. Unequip All - remove everything.

Bandits loot manager
A special addon that is configured inside the loot manager. Here are additional settings regarding loot. For example, what to loot, what to skip, sell in the store automatically or not, put it in the bank automatically, what items are needed in terms of quality, and so on.

Bandits User Interface
A very massive addon, moved to a separate setting. It has a lot of settings. Mainly used to display health, mana and stamina bars. As well as counting skills on the panel and mini-maps. Notifies about a skill flying at the player, displays a triangular sight. You can move elements: both basic and bandit interface, display additional buffs and much more.

Teleporter addon. An additional menu appears on the screen. If there are friends in the game or the player is a member of a guild whose members are in other regions, you can teleport to them for free. If the player has a treasure map, and one of your friends or guildmates is in this location, you can immediately teleport to him.

A program that automatically closes the add-on error window. It appears in the middle of the screen and is usually annoying. BugEater blocks window pop-up and sends bugs to chat.

An experienced TESO player knows that there is a bug with the animation when a weapon is underfoot. As a rule, this applies to onions. Clutch prevents this from happening. If you see that the bow is under your feet, you need to go into the controls and assign the Clutch button. And by this click, the weapon reappears in the hands.

Code's Combat Alerts
Shows alerts about any mechanics that occur in trials, in dungeons, in the arena.

Another powerful tool for crafters. When installed in the game, a laurel wreath and anvil icon will appear. Handy for crafting runes. If you go to the rune station, an additional menu will appear, which contains instructions for crafting each rune. You can set the desired glyph level, rank, quantity. A similar scheme for creating food. Ingredients are disaggregated according to different colors, quality, drinks and so on.

Daily Alchemy and Daily Provision
The first is for alchemy, the second is for provisions (food). Needed to create daily pages. There are tasks on the board - craft orders for
consumable items. For example, an alchemy quest: you need to make a Festhold-style cheese plate with fruit. The Daily Provision will make this daylik itself, you just need to go to the cooking station.

Guild addon. Adds a roster - an additional filter, if the guild master fills in some guild data, then they can be sorted.

Display Leads
A new addon that is made to search for clues archeology for those with a greymoor. For this addon it is necessary to assign a button in the control.

Dolgubon's Lazy Set Crafter
An indispensable addon for those who make sets. He also needs to assign a button in the control section, after which the corresponding interface will appear, in which you can set what needs to be crafted. For example, you need heavy armor, chest and belt. Choose the style, quality, set, trait of the armor and click "add to queue".
Next, a list of required materials is displayed. It is worth going to the crafting station, and the addon itself will craft everything and improve it to the set quality. Very handy for those who make sets for beginners.

Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Creator и Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Creator RU
These are two interconnected add-ons that create, automatically collect daily. For example, let's take a day for creating consumables. We approach the leatherworking station, and it automatically creates items. Shows how much you have the necessary material, how much you need, how much is left. Likewise with the forge.

Group loot Notifier
An addon that shows in the chat what has dropped out to your party members. This is necessary in order to keep track of whether someone in the dungeon or in the trial dropped what the player needs. Then you can ask a party member for this.

Guild Hall Button
The addon, when you press the G key, adds Travel to Guild Hall to the main tab. If there is a Guildhall on the head of the guild, then he sends to the right place.

Harven's Improved Skills Window
An addon that, when hovering over an ability, shows both morphs of the skill. This is necessary in order to look at the second option - it may be worth overtraining or perimorphizing in order to use a different option of the skill

Harvest Map
Adds 3D icons to the map and to the area around the player that indicate where a certain resource is located. An icon is shown next to the resource, if there is no resource next to the resource icon, then someone has collected it before.
Two important points:
- In the settings, add-ons, open the Harvest Map and here do not forget to configure the display of labels on the map. Turn on the function "show only the nearest marks", the distance of marks can be set to 300-350. If this is not done, then all the labels on the entire map will be displayed, which will load the computer and memory.
- Turn off the game and run the DownloadNewData.bat file in the Harvest Map folder to display and download all the tags. Otherwise, only those collected will be displayed.

Inventory Insight
A useful addon for those with multiple characters. Shows the currency and inventory of characters. In a special menu, you can by name, for example, a staff - a servant of the new moon, find an object and determine which particular character it lies with. Set Destruction Staves, and the addon shows who has it without even going to them.

Item Set Browser
A useful addon for beginners who also need to assign a button to control. Write in the search bar "maternal sorrow" and you see - this is a light armor that falls in Deshaan and gives crit. rate. spell. You can sort, for example, only craft sets. Or search for an item by source.

Map pins
An addon that adds many useful icons to the map. Adds many different custom filters. Displays collected and uncollected items.

Miat's CC tracker
Addon for PVP, which shows what kind of control was imposed on the character.
Potion Maker
An addon that, when entering an alchemical station, adds an additional window for creating potions.

Screenshot Helper
An addon that helps me customize screenshots. The assigned button removes the interface, and then with the usual arrows, not wasd, you can move the camera: zoom in, zoom out, rotate, and so on.

Slightly Improved Experience Bar
Adds experience and level progress to the upper left corner.

The addon is needed to show how much skill point is invested in specific branches.

Needed in order to take screenshots of builds. Assigned to a specific button.

Tamriel Trade Center
Addon for trading. Be sure to install it in the Tamriel folder itself: documents, elder scrolls, online, addons. TamrielTradeCenter, client. Launch a client that will update the database and add those products that have been scanned
in their guildstores. He also adds the estimated cost of the item.

Votan's Improved Locations
Another convenient trading tool. Splits the list by location into convenient categories.

Votan's Search Box
Search for items by inventory. Works in crafting machines, cans and so on.

Writ Worthy
Another addon for crafters.

Zolan's Addon: Auto Repair and Junk Handler
These two add-ons automate the repair, sale of junk and armor when approaching the merchant.