Vote for Asterios, how to vote for
Asterios is one of the most popular Russian projects in the game Lineage 2. Players have three main ways to receive special bonuses: donate, referral system and vote for Asterios on MMOTOP. This way to get a bonus is available to absolutely every server player from the first minutes after creating a character.
Where can I vote?
Voting is conducted on the resource MOTOP. To get started, go to the official website of the Asterois server, go to the "Get Bonus" section, and from there go to the direct link to the vote. Any player who created the character can vote for Asterios. After clicking on the link, you need to create an account on the MMOTOP resource. You can do this using social networks Vkontakte or Facebook, or you can use the traditional registration with email. It should also be noted that when voting, you must specify your game nickname and the server on which you play.

What awards await me?
For voting on MMOTOP for Asterios, you can get from zero to five Silver Shilen coins. They can be sold to other characters, or can be exchanged in the game store for various things. The cost of one coin is about 10 million Adena. At the same time, it is worth considering the fact that coin prices are set by players and may vary, depending on the server on which you play: sometimes you can find buyers who offer 20 million for one Silver Shilen coin, and some are not ready to give more 7 million. Also keep in mind that voting is not a guarantee of getting coins. You can not get a single one, but you can get five at once, this is random.

Is it possible to trick the system?
Officially it is believed that it is impossible to deceive the system. And this is partly true, but there is a way that you can use to outsmart the voting system. However, it is not as simple as it might seem. The fact is that you can vote for Asterios once a day from one account. This means that you will need to register several accounts on MMOTOP and attach them to game characters. Each of the characters in the game must also be created on different accounts. After that, you will need to log in several times from different accounts and vote for the server. This way you can get additional bonuses on characters for which you will not actually play. However, this procedure takes extra time. After receiving bonuses, they can be sold in the game, and all money can be collected on one account. Here you should also consider the possible risks: the character may get into the ban on suspicion of selling foreign currency.