Guide rift lineage 2
How and why get into a rift?
As such, the instance does not have a specific restriction, but on many servers you can only get from the fortieth LVL.
There are several ways to get into the peaceful zone of the Rift:
From the Priest of Dawn, you need to teleport to the Oracle of Dawn, and any NPC to the rift is already there.
Through a statue in the first room of the catacombs (next to the inner GC Ziggurat).
Or you get to one of the catacombs, after which you need to go down under water and at the external GC Ziggurat teleport to the rift for a relatively small amount of adena (you must have at least one Fault Part in the inventory).

Quests that can be completed in the Rift:
- In Search of Fragments of Dimension
During export, you can get Dimensional Fragment. In the party they are given regardless of who killed the monster. The quest can be taken from the statue starting at character level 20.
- In the dimensional rift
Rift quest. In order to get into the rift and act inside it, some conditions must be met - there must be a free quest slot, the load on the weight and amount of space in the inventory should be no more than 80%. The quest can be taken from the statue starting at character level 20.
The difference in levels of the rift is based on the LVL of the mobs you will meet in it. The separation they have is this: 30+, 40+, 50+, 60+, 70+, 75+.
After teleporting to the rift itself, the group ends up in one of the rooms and spends ten minutes there, during which the mobs are killed. After that, the party is transferred further, for ten minutes. After forty minutes, the group will return to the peace zone. One of the possible rooms may be the room with the Raid Boss. It is less powerful than the standard raid, so it can be easily dealt with even by one group. Levels of bosses are always 2 less than the level of the Rift itself, which means it is at the 50+ level of its 48, at 60+ 58 and so on ...
In one call, it is possible to skip one room, which is controlled by the party leader.
Rift monsters have significantly increased chances of dropping loot and spoil than standard ones (in other locations). Therefore, if it is well to organize the pumping process in the rift, then it will be very pretty profitable. Nevertheless, the chance of a standard drop is not very large to equal them (excluding RaidBosses), the main thing is spoiling.
Mobs in the rift
- Small “thin” mobs that explode after death;
- Small mobs with a set of debuffs: paralysis, reduced attack speed;
- Mages Fireballs, hydroblasts, etc. are dangerous;
- AoE magicians;
- Archers. The most unpleasant room in the opinion of most players; for magicians are the most dangerous, since they have crit (and archers react first to magicians first). Most often it is recommended to skip this room if you are not confident in your abilities.
Heros Rift (Hiro Rift)
This is the maximum possible rift that is available from 80 LVL. It consists of nine rooms (8 with mobs, 1 with RB). Unlike other locations, there is an increased chance of falling items and other drops.
In addition, in this rift you can meet RB Anakazel. Most often, he is farmed only for pumping 13 LVL SA (Special Abilities), and everything else, roughly speaking, is a “bonus".