Pailaka quest 36 61 and 73 levels in pictures
Level 36-42 Song of Ice and Fire
- You must go to Gludin, where to the right of the Temple you find and interact with the NPC Inspector Adler
- After that, we go to Pailaka herself and talk to the NPC standing near the entrance. From him you will receive a book with tips in which information about the next boss. The killing of each boss requires a subsequent visit to the NPC, which is not far from the room. From him you will receive new tips and improve the received double weapons
- After talking with this NPC, head towards the water bosses, which are located upstairs (left).
- Having dealt with the first water boss, you head along the main aisle to the bridge, where you will meet the second boss. Having already got rid of this boss, you interact with an NPC standing between the zones of two types of bosses.
- The next goal is fiery RB. You meet the next NPC and after that you deal with the first fire boss, the door to which is behind the same NPC. After the murder, look for a large hall with lava on the floor, where you can go from a room with the same NPC. In this room you meet the second fiery boss
- After the murder, go to that very bridge. Go down and look for a passage there to a hidden room, which is located in the wall, where the last Boss is located. After you deal with him, you will receive your reward from Edler. Among the rewards: Earring and Pailaka Ring

Level 61-67 Devil’s Legacy
- Near the temple in the city of Giran, look for the NPC- "Survivor", with whom you need to talk a couple of times, after which you will receive information about Pailak. At the entrance to the tunnel is an NPC from which you will receive weapons and further directions.
- After killing the first, go ahead and meet the gnome in a large room, which improves the weapons received.
- To the right of the gnome is the passage where you are heading. There you will see rooms with barrels that will be surrounded by monsters. Actually, it is necessary to shoot barrels from afar, which will kill (or decently put on) a large part of the mobs. In the enclosing room you meet the second Boss with these barrels.
- After the assassination of RB, run along the aisle and head left at the fork, there is the third boss, after the assassination of which rise, and then run along the corridor. You will see several rooms, among which the penultimate RB is already waiting for you.
- After that, jump water from the waterfall, but do not swim far, the passage is close. Sail along it and there you will see the platform where the Boss is located with a couple of archers. Beat RB up to 50% HP, after which it is transferred to the ship. Go there through the cable bridge, where you will get running upstairs. After killing the boss, a Dwarf appears, when interacting with which you get a reward. Including the Pailaka Bracelet.

Уровень 73-77 Injured Dragon
- Look at the west exit of Godard Orc-Shaman. When interacting with him, you immediately teleport to instant. We already talk there with the Orc Companion, we get a peak
- The essence of instant is to get through the crowds of monsters and kill the main RB Latana
- Before you run to the wall of mobs, turn left, where there will be a clearing with mobs (antelopes), from which some amplifiers and hilks drop
- After collecting the entire drop, return to the mobs, choose the cleaning options yourself, depending on the class. When approaching the monsters, another row will spawn behind them, which does not need to be killed (when killing those standing in front, the back ones will disappear)
- When you're done with this “wave”, move on to the bridge on the left. The second row of monsters is already waiting on it.
- After stripping this “wall”, run again to the left, where there is a passage with the next wave. Behind it there will be a fork, where we again turn left. Then meet the NPC, which can improve the spike and give any buffs
- The next fork, here already to the right, where the fourth wave awaits, behind which lies the RB. After his assassination, the Companion Orc appears, who will issue a reward after picking up a spade. Among the awards: Shirt Paylaty.

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