New servers of wow classic
Opening a new Russian server:
The players were also pleased that they opened another 1 PVP Doomcryer on Ru servers, after more than a week of queuing the game ... Is this the right decision?
At the moment, in prime time line at Flamegor - 2-3 hours, Wyrmtalak and Rhok'Delar - less than an hour. The total queue is about 5 thousand people, which is just enough to fill the server. But cunning little people understand that the new server is a swamp and choose a queue.
It is by this principle of psychological effect that some servers thrive, while others are in complete decline, people do not want to play in a balanced way and create an artificial queue on the "top" server.
Have you transferred your characters to the Doomcryer? If so, write down the comments, I wonder how many daredevils creating history are you !?
Opening of new servers for Europe:
- Dragonfang (new world)
- Earthshaker (new world)
Opening New USA Servers
- Heartseeker
- Earthfury
- Arcanite reaper

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