Several years have passed since the launch of the Russian-language version of Tera Online, but it is still very popular and is periodically pleased with updates and interesting details.

In this section you will find all relevant information about Tere:

  • review of the pros and cons of the game;
  • guide on races and classes of characters with their detailed description;
  • Tips for choosing a character and his build, taking into account your game goals;
  • secrets of a successful gold farm;
  • information about bugs and troubles that have occurred over the entire existence of the game;
  • warnings and recommendations to players practicing the use of third-party software;
  • analytical articles with specific numbers;
  • reasoning of administrators who know all the smallest details of Thera, in general, about the game and its individual aspects.
  • In a word, if you are a big fan of the Arborean world, then you will have something to read on Bendermoney.