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Albion Safe Farming Guide

Albion Safe Farming Guide

Today we're going to talk about how you can make good money and gain experience playing solo, especially if you're starting out.

A lot of people complain that there are almost no safe places for solo players to farm. This is because of overgame players and rats, which interfere with earning and pumping.

In this article, we are going to talk about farming in the red locations and see how much silver and experience you can make without getting killed.

This is a translation of the article. We apologize for possible errors in the text, keep this in mind before reading.

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On our website you can buy Silver Albion online within 7 minutes, just follow the link or write to the operator.

Red locations

Almost safe farming, minimal ganking, lots of experience and silver - these are all easy to come by in red zones.

There are no overgame players like in Darkness, and no large groups controlling areas like in Black. I'll tell you a secret, there are gangers, but very few.

Comparing farming in red and black areas, in my experience the amount of fame and silver in the sixth area are almost equal, but in terms of security, red areas are a lot quieter.

Build for farming

The first thing you need to do is choose a build. I would advise you to choose a build that is mobile and has enough damage to quickly destroy mob packs.

If you know the intricacies of red locations, such as the rarity of gangers, you can choose a less mobile build.

The main thing to remember is to keep an eye on enemy counters, as they can save your loot.

As for specific builds, every player has their own preferences, so I will not recommend any particular weapon.

Personally, I ran with different weapons in red and black locations - bow, druid staff, axe, staff, gloves - and farming was quite easy. The main thing is to know where the gangers are and farm carefully.

A good choice would be the druid build, seventh tier, as it gives you silver. You can also take cheaper options. I also took tools in case I found enchanted resources.

We checked how much silver we could make in the red location for an hour of farming. We got 41,369 silver, 1,108 experience and loot worth 454,000 silver.

For those who don't like dangerous content, this is a great way to pump and earn. But don't forget that everything in this business is completely random: you can earn more or less.

The main rule is to always keep an eye on the ganger counter, don't stray too far from your mount, and if there's danger, decide whether to farm carefully or move on.