Albion Gathering Guide

Albion Gathering Guide

In this short guide, we'll look at what to collect, where to collect it, and how to collect it. We'll cover sets, mounts, resources and other basics.

This is a translation of the article. We apologize for possible errors in the text, keep this in mind before reading.

The easiest way to get Silver Albion online.

On our website you can buy Silver Albion online within 7 minutes, just follow the link or write to the operator.

What to collect? Choosing a resource

The first thing you need to do is choose one or more types of resource to collect. In the game, you can choose from Stone, Fibre, Leather, Wood and Ore. They can be found in certain locations.

It is better to collect 1 or 2 types to have enough training points and it was more convenient to collect. 

For example, when choosing resources for pumping, look at the biome the guild is in and the cost.

If you look at the prices on the American server, leather is the most expensive, followed by fibre, ore and wood. Stone rounds out the list.

In our case, we lived in a swampy area and chose fibre and wood, leather is a bit harder to pump. 

Gathering equipment

Before you set out to collect expensive resources and gangers, it is worth choosing a set and the necessary consumables.

Starting from the 4th level of tools, you will find sets of collectors, which give a big bonus to your collection. An even bigger bonus is given by the Premium. 

We need to be mobile, so we choose Bloodletting, Paired Swords, Sword of Slaughter.

Swords have the ability of iron will, which will not let us run.

Under it you can take the boots of a miner and in most cases you can run away from the gangers.

In the left hand, if it is free, take Misty Call, Fort Sterling Cloak or Undead Cloak. One of these resets control and the other gives you a chance to run away while invisible.

Cakes and invisibility potions are used for food and can be taken for a gathering bonus. Sixth dash magazines wouldn't hurt to increase your profit.

Mounts for the gatherer

It is worth to tell you briefly about the choice of manaunts for gathering.

Up to 6 tyr you can not think about them using bulls or horses, and then deer, moose, snow rams with a weight in the form of a bag.

There are also bears with a lot of health, but you have to watch the weight carefully.

Gathering locations

The resource has been chosen, the set has been bought, now it is worth knowing where and how to collect resources.

Remember that you can collect resources on the tyre above the tool. But it is better to collect on the same tyre or lower, so that the pumping is faster.

The learning points you receive will be used to open a higher level tool, and later on the masters.

You can collect in different places, there are safe places with the lowest profit and red, black places, darkness, Avalon.

With the usual locations we think everything is clear, Avalon is good for pumping t4 and t5 tools, there are also group aspects. 

Darkness has all kinds of resources. In the early stages of pumping there will not be much, but later t8 darkness will bring silver.

The choice of any profession of the gatherer will be a good, almost stable income. Profits come from collected resources, filled journals, and sometimes falling folios. You can sell the resources or process them yourself for even more profit.

As always, there is a risk of encountering gangers or finding an empty location if resources have been collected before you. Still, there is competition.

That's all, thank you for reading this guide and good luck finding resources.