How to start playing Escape from tarkov, a beginner's guide.
Escape from Tarkov. Guide for beginners
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Offline mode
This is a very important exercise that many people underestimate. We take any equipment, an incredible amount of ammunition, medicine and go to kill bots. We choose a card, for example, a factory. It is the most suitable for AIM and is not so huge in size as to be confusing, plus there will be enough bots.
In order not to wander around and look for the carcasses of opponents, press "escape from tarkov", "PMC", "plant", "next", "next" and put a tick on the offline mode and PVE. We choose the quantity "many" or "horde". Everything else is not very important. We start the exercises. This is required for every beginner in order to understand the mechanics, to feel the means of protection and the physics of movement, which was even more rigid and realistic, until the players began to complain about the complex controls.
It is necessary to try to hit without aiming, starting to water from the hip.
To the top of the enemy model, going to the head. Never sit down for no reason, and even less lie down - it's easier to inflict critical damage on you.
By the way, an interesting system is used in EFT: knocked-out limbs turn black and when you hit them, the damage is distributed evenly on all parts of the body. After that, it will be necessary to heal each of these parts. In general, shoot up to hundreds of bots before any online sortie. This way you will feel better the gameplay and how easier it is for you to control your character, as well as to hit other players.

Keyboard shortcuts
Knowing the key keyboard shortcuts for handling weapons and inventory greatly simplifies the game.
Interaction in the inventory and bags of the killed.
To drag the clothes of the weapon and any other equipment onto you, if you are naked, hold down the ALT key, point to the cell and click on it with the left mouse button. It is immediately taken in your hands or behind your back. This works in the inventory and with corpses, any third-party items are moved by a different combination.
It also works with equipment from any source to you and back, only direct movement. To do this quickly, hold down CTRL and press the left mouse button, as long as there is free space.
The R button flips objects, you can throw them away by pressing LMB + DELETE.

- Pressing R twice results in a tactical reload, this resets the magazine to the ground.
- Alt + T lets you see how many cartridges are in the magazine.
- Alt + W / S - Fire from behind an obstacle.
- Alt + A / D - smooth slopes.
- Alt + Q / E - lunges, also normal Q / E.
- Shift + T - check the chamber, move the bolt.
- L - inspection.
- B - switch fire type
- Alt + RMB - sight mark
- CTRL + RMB - Switch between scopes
To slow down, turn the mouse wheel, and if you want to sit down smoothly, hold down C and turn the mouse wheel.
- 2хО - see outputs.
- SCM - head scrolling.

Smart waste and sales
We take a cheaper bulletproof vest and a grandfather's helmet. Don't forget about tactical headphones that muffle loud sounds and increase quiet sounds. In them, you will better hear the enemy, even who is crawling like that.
Repair the bulletproof vest at the ensign, watch the points of armor. When they are less than half, sell. It will be equally important to sell various items at the flea market or to traders. We sell sights, silencers, modifications, body armor, helmets to skiers. Weapons and everything else is mechanics. We sell valuable items, chains of vases, figurines to a therapist.

Weapon selection
The ideal weapon choice for a beginner is the AK-74M - a good old and reliable AK, inexpensive both in assembly and in the choice of cartridges. Another firearm will be more expensive to assemble and harder to use. If you have just started your journey, you can take VSS Vintorez or Val, which will generally come out cheaper. However, its lethality comes down to close and medium range gunfights. Plus, you will not be able to squeeze from the store for 60 shots, since there can be 30 of them in total. And the standard 30 for 20 is not cheap.

A very short piece of advice that you should come to yourself. For a while, you will still sweat, shake, and be scared. The game is extremely intense. Everyone who is just starting to grumble cannot instantly control this state. Also, because after death, everything disappears from you, if you are not insured, only things remain in the pouch.
You are required to relax faster, not to worry about money, loot, quests, and so on. Do not be afraid to get involved in shootouts with enemies. Don't squat, don't sit. We take equipment, kill dozens of bots offline, and with the same equipment we go online and start our journey as a confident operative.